The ask is simple: the alignment of all work streams should contribute to synergize all actionable optics. From a scrum perspective, we need to activate any deliverables during this journey, and for all business units.
Continue reading New learnings while laddering up (a memo)Tag: marketing
adXistenZ, or Facebook’s Ultimate Digital Marketizer Gizmo
Warning: sarcasm ensues.
We can’t escape it. Facebook needs to keep selling ads. Not just more, but also better. And not just better ads, but also better ways to show us all these ads we love so much!
This conundrum eventually led to one of those really neat ideas.
Continue reading adXistenZ, or Facebook’s Ultimate Digital Marketizer GizmoTwitter Flight School
Whether you’re a top marketing executive, social community manager, blogger, or whatever, if you’re using Twitter to promote your project and/or brand, this is for you.
Continue reading Twitter Flight School